Wednesday, March 24, 2004

The Way Things Go

Here's a film I can't be erudite about. It's just too much fun to watch! (And you'll probably want to watch it over and over and over...) I know that it was made by performance and video artists, and that should make it worthy of analysis. Instead, I just like to enjoy what they created. OK, enough suspense! The plot...there is no plot. Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss took the contents of their studio and created a Rube Goldberg device out of them. Y'know, this thing knocks over that thing, which causes this thing to boil over, which makes this thing ring a bell. (See the beginning of Back to the Future for a simplistic Goldberg apparatus.) If you listen with headphones, you can tell their studio is situated near an airport and that there's a drippy faucet in the background, but it doesn't take away from the sheer amazement of their creation And, if you want to see what they're doing now, view the new Honda commercial. Sleeker, slicker and made only of Honda parts.

original title: Der Lauf der Dinge
year: 1987
length: 30 min.
rating: 3.5
IMDB link:

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