Saturday, March 13, 2004


Another film watched on the transatlantic flight back from Copenhagen. See, it's difficult for someone who watches so much film to have this cool little video unit in your seat, and have watched 98% of the films listed. You end up watching dopey ones you would never pay money for, in the theater or on DVD. I really like Ben Stiller; I think he's one of our best comedic actors (I have a special fondness for Keeping the Faith, albeit for more reasons than that), but he gets involved in some fairly silly projects (Starsky and Hutch, anyone?). Alongside Drew Barrymore the potential for a quality project sinks even lower. You can guess what it's about -- two young yuppie types buy a home in NYC but are terrorized by the sweet old lady upstairs. In the process, they nearly destroy the house. There are funny scenes, e.g., installing the clapper, the raisin / mouse turd (yup, you betcha), but it's just, well, dumb. I would recommend skipping this film and renting the much funnier Tom Hanks / Shelley Long film The Money Pit (or The 'burbs, for that matter).

year: 2003
length: 97 min.
rating: 2.0
IMDB link:

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