Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Intolerable Cruelty

In the interest of full disclosure, I watched this film on the plane to Geneva, Switzerland last month. (Yes, yes, this is how far behind I've gotten. It's actually worse than that. I have films back to *gasp* December that I haven't reviewed yet.) I'm sure this film was cut for the plane ride, but I have doubts that more of what I saw would have made it a better experience for me. Although my viewing of the film was almost definitely also colored by the woman next to me upchucking not once but three times (count 'em, three times) during the flight. So! While the impossibly handsome George Clooney and the scrumptiously voluptuous Catherine Zeta-Jones are, naturally, fun to watch there's little in the plot of this film that's appealing. Hard to believe it's a Coen brothers flick. Meant to be a comedy it follows the "travails" of Zeta-Jones and her lawyer, Clooney, in extricating her from the bonds of holy matrimony. Clooney, of course, is against marriage, while Zeta-Jones is all for it, but for the wrong reasons. In the long run, the film gives us no one to root for, and the conclusion is ridiculous, to put it mildly. The best part of the film is the beginning in which Geoffrey Rush, of all people, gets to show flamboyant acting chops while getting cuckolded.

year: 2003
length: 100 min.
rating: 2.5
IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0138524/combined

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