Saturday, July 02, 2005

House Calls

Oh, I do love Walter Matthau. Sadly, I was introduced to him during his Grumpy Old Men stage (in which he's, frankly, marvelous, my favorite line being "Putz.") and then had to return in time and rent The Taking of Pelham One Two Three on the strength of him (and some great reviews). Not having failed me yet, I rented this flick because one of my reviews fans (blush) gave it high marks. So far we're three for three. Matthau can take any dialogue and make it belly-laugh-inducing hilarious. I rarely laugh heartily in films anymore -- a line or scene has to be REALLY good to make me guffaw -- and this film had at least a half dozen such instances. The only decent doctor at a hospital crammed with nitwits, Matthau plays a recent widower who wants to play the field for the first time ever (not that he didn't love his wife, don't get me wrong). He goes out with all these young idiots and of course becomes entangled with a woman closer to his age, the magnificent actress-cum-sparring-partner, Glenda Jackson (she's actually now the Labour MP for Hampstead and Highgate!). Of course, there's abject silliness along the path towards Matthau giving in and admitting his adoration for Jackson, including cross-dressing, singing along with an Enrico-Caruso-alike, and hysterical interactions with Art Carney as the surgical head of the hospital. If you're in the mood for laughing, don't miss this one.

year: 1978
length: 98 min.
rating: 3.5
IMDB link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Imagine my excitement to see one of my recommendation reviewed, and so well-liked! Talk about blushing! Another fun (although less romantic, except for the very first scene) Matthau/Jackson pairing can be found it Hopscotch.