Monday, August 02, 2004

Spy Game

Ehh. Y'know, Brad Pitt didn't irritate me as expected and Robert Redford was his noble, enigmatic self but that doesn't mean I liked the film enough to rate it well. Pitt and Redford are spies with the CIA, Pitt deployed in exotic places, Redford a desk jockey about to retire. Pitt's in trouble, Redford feels it his duty to rescue him even though they parted ways a long time ago, and Pitt's tale is told in flashbacks by Redford. Sorta ingenious, but ultimately you're not sure what the tale is telling you -- honor among spies? love is more powerful than hate? more powerful than your life's work? even spies have morals? or remorse? Lots of good blow-up scenes, though. And the choice of Lebanon as one exotic locale is unique, and worth it simply for a view into how people with dangerous careers survive. That alone is probably useful to keep in mind in the post-9/11 world (even if you don't have a dangerous job).

year: 2001
length: 126 min.
rating: 2.0
IMDB link:

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