Monday, August 02, 2004


I don't have a huge amount to say about this film, but I feel it's important to write a review in order to warn away those who might be expecting a normal thriller or mystery. You'll get the hint when you reach the brief shot of a bloody tongue flopping on a floor, but you might think this is just an anomaly. Nope. The last 10 minutes of the film are surreal and firmly planted in the horror genre. This was directed by Takashi Miike, a prolific if not universally respected Japanese film director, but the anger that greeted this film upon its arrival seems to have shocked even Miike. This anger stems from the sharp turn taken towards the end and I can understand that, as I chose the film based on many good reviews none of which hinted at the shift. Hence this review. The "normal" plot revolves around a widower who woos a strange girl he knows nothing about, although the audience is given disturbing glimpses into her life and story (see the tongue shot description before). The reason for the elevated rating is actually due to the ending -- it is so disturbing in its manipulation of what we have considered throughout to be reality that its effectiveness as a plot device cannot be dismissed. I was impressed despite my revulsion. You've been duly warned, yet those with thick skins may be able to recognize and admire the film's unique tone.

original title: Ôdishon
year: 2000
length: 115 min.
rating: 3.0
IMDB link:

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