Friday, March 25, 2005

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

As Steve Zahn says in That Thing You Do, "[that] was...terrible." (It's not the phrase, actually, it's the way he says it that makes it so funny, 'cause he kinda drags the pause out and...oh, never mind.) This film has one saving grace and that's Vince Vaughn, who plays the most believable straight man, possibly ever. This is completely necessary as nearly every scene contains Ben Stiller as laugh track. Now, I have nothing against Stiller. (Loved Meet the Parents and Keeping the Faith.) But his incarnation as an overly manic gym owner only points out which features you never liked about the actor in the first place. Vaughn plays a competing gym owner whose gym is about to be taken over by Stiller's mega-corporation. The only way to prevent it is to enter into a dodgeball championship. Yeah. Well, I'm still unsure whether dodgeball is a real adult sport or not, but it's treated as such by the filmmakers. Seriously. At least I think it's seriously. Watch the first extra feature and see for yourself. On second thought, skip that one and just watch the alternate ending to the film. Now that's funny.

year: 2004
length: 92 min.
rating: 2.0
IMDB link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ben Stiller should be permanently banished. Send him to an island where he cannot inflict his brand of inane humor on anyone. Sentence him to lifetime confinement with Pauley Shore !!!!