Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

The smartest thing Terry George does in this film is make the first fifteen minutes look as close to middle class America as he can. There's no deceit here -- I think Americans believe Africa is only dusty, deserted, and poor. All bare feet and dirt floors. None of the "comforts of home." So I was pleased that George took the time to set the stage, because all you can think of for that first few minutes is -- God, this could happen here. It looks like here, it acts like here. (So let's remember why we're a pluralistic society, okay?) Most of us want to forget our role in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Or lack of role. Which is probably why this film took so long to make. No one wanted to have this story re-told. Kudos to those who finally put up enough of a stink, and kudos to Don Cheadle for making a true hero out of the ambivalent savior to so many Tutsis and Hutus. This is the actor who widened my eyes in Devil in a Blue Dress and made my mouth flop open in Bulworth. I was ready to watch anything he appeared in after that. And, yes, this film is horrifying because there's no other word for the massacre of 1 million people, but the fact that George ekes two major laughs out of this picture is a testament to his skills. Although I have minor quibbles about the film (believe it or not, I don't think they went far enough in showing the violence, and it is the teeniest bit too schmaltzy in parts), this shouldn't dissuade you from putting it on your to-see list. I expect I'll rent the DVD as well, for the documentaries they're sure to add. I don't know enough about this travesty, and I really should.

year: 2004
length: 121 min.
rating: 3.5
IMDB link:

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