Thursday, September 30, 2004

Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak

Oy. The Indian Romeo and Juliet. Oops, I just gave it away. Well, I doubt any of you are going to see this film (especially after this review), so I don't feel too bad. This film was, apparently, a turning point for Indian cinema. Nothing like it had been done before. My guess is that most of their cinema was (is) silly romances (not unlike our own, in fact) and that this broke the barrier with its shocking ending. However, that doesn't mean it's a good film. In fact, most of it plays like a silly romance. At least in the beginning, this is mind-numbingly boring, what with the horrible over-acting, insipid costuming and tunes that aren't even remotely catchy. The ending (about the last 45 minutes) does make one sit up and notice, but Aamir Khan is nearly unrecognizable. He's a young budding actor and hasn't flowered yet. And that goes for his looks as well. So, I'll have to revise my method of watching all Aamir Khan films. I'll only watch his recent ones, i.e., mid-90s and onwards, unless I want to groan and roll my eyes constantly.

year: 1988
length: 162 min.
rating: 2.0
IMDB link:

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