Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Dawn of the Dead

I just can't give a ZOMBIE movie more than 3 stars, I just can't. I mean, it's a ZOMBIE movie, for goodness sake! There's nothing enlightening or uplifting or hopeful or useful about them. They're only meant to make you pee in your pants. Which I didn't do during this one because I've learned to laugh at them. Even the absolute grossest stuff (like a baby ZOMBIE that must be shot) is hilarious. Because I know that the filmmakers are doing it to scare the bejeezus out of you -- that is their raison d'etre. All put together though, this film is not as entertaining as 28 Days Later... was. It wasn't as scary, which some folks may disagree with me on, but I'll stand firm. 28 Days Later... seemed plausible, which is infinitely more terrifying. This one was implausible from start to finish. I mean, why leave the mall to begin with, you dummies? Of course, the ZOMBIES will get you. That's what they're there for! Anyway, go see it if you just want to have a fun time with your pals, but if you want to watch a real ZOMBIE film, rent the British one instead.

year: 2004
length: 100 min.
rating: 2.0
IMDB link:

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