Sunday, October 19, 2003

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

The best thing about this flick is that it takes itself seriously. It's a comedy, but it doesn't make fun of its subject. Three gay men (well, one transsexual, one gay and one who-knows- what) travel from Sydney to the middle of Australia to perform a drag queen concert. All the usual stereotypes apply, but it's a film with a plot and a message. That is, it has a message if you consider that the main impact of the film is to make this potentially alternative lifestyle so palatable that you want to try it yourself. It has two of the best lines in movies. One is "nice night for it" and the other I'll let you spot (and that's a hint). You'll never believe Terence Stamp (The Limey), Guy Pearce (Memento) and Hugo Weaving (The Matrix) were in this film. Especially Stamp, who has a history of playing violent characters. He so transforms himself that by the end we've forgotten every one of his previous roles.

year: 1994
length: 104 min.
rating: 4.0
IMDB link:

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