Monday, September 08, 2003

The Emperor's Club

How often do you enjoy watching a film that has an ambiguous ending? I think the majority of the American viewing public doesn't, but many people I know like it because they can leave the theater still thinking about the film. So, how often do you enjoy watching a film that contains an ambiguous message? I'd bet that most people would find that irritating. This film tries to highlight the difference between moral and immoral people, and the chances in life they have, and others who care for them have, to change. I think that's a great premise, and I really wish the filmmakers had taken more care with the subject matter. It's a complex subject to film -- it's easy for viewers to get lost in what's "right" and "wrong." By trying to show us how multi-faceted the issue is, they muddled it enough that I left with a shrug and a "so what?" on my lips. There's nothing wrong with Kevin Kline's acting, and I can see why he expected great things from the film. It just, unfortunately, lost its way.

year: 2002
length: 109 min.
rating: 3.0
IMDB link:

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